Student Conduct

St. Vrain Valley Schools Behavioral Code

Each year the District publishes a manual for students entitled, “Behavioral code of conduct and Board of Education Policies, Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Parents”.

FLVS Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of learning at Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Because of its preeminence in all of our instruction, there are a variety of tools that are used in ensuring the integrity of student work.

FLVS Social Media & Internet Use

Please review the expectations around technology use.

Course Completion Policy

Online courses provide the flexibility for students to be able to complete their education outside of the normal school hours. This also provides students who otherwise might not be able to attend a brick and mortar school during the day, the flexibility to complete their course work. However, just because a student can work remotely, the student does NOT have the right not to complete and submit work on a daily basis.  Remote does equal flexibility.  With that flexibility comes a huge responsibility for students to complete and submit a required number of assignments/assessments on a daily basis.  Online schooling still requires students to be completing 30% progress per week in the learning environment. Students who adhere to the 30% progress per week requirement should be able to complete a minimum of 2.5 credits each semester.

All students are REQUIRED to complete and pass a minimum of three classes each quarter/6 classes each semester. Failure to complete three classes in a quarter or six classes in a semester will result in

  1. a parent/student conference;
  2. student being placed on a contract requiring full-time attendance at the onsite facility;
  3. four classes being completed by the end of the next quarter.

If a student does not meet the requirements by the end of the second quarter, a parent/student conference will once again be held where students and parents will be given additional educational opportunities for their child including the option of returning to the brick and mortar environment.

Recent News

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St. Vrain Virtual High School