St. Vrain Virtual High School’s Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum Enhances Community and Well-Being

The team at St. Vrain Virtual High School has embarked on a journey to develop and implement the Social and Emotional Wellness class. “Our goal is to provide better support to our students in their everyday lives,” shared Becky Olson, Counselor at St. Vrain Virtual High School. “We want to teach them strategies that could be used in any situation.” The curriculum has been thoughtfully designed to provide students with the understanding of their well-being and to develop essential skills for navigating daily challenges.
Currently, the class takes place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with a morning and afternoon option available, and all 82 students enrolled at St. Vrain Virtual High School participate in one of the sessions. It covers a variety of topics promoting social and emotional well-being, including understanding the adolescent brain, developing skills and habits, and interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.

Initially, the curriculum was based on the Seven Mindsets model and later transitioned to Sources of Strength, incorporating approaches such as mindfulness, Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework, 7 Mindsets, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). “Each month, the team looks for information and activities that they feel will be helpful to students, by focusing on one theme that we plan together,” stated Olson. “For instance, in August and January, the focus is on ‘New Beginnings’, incorporating concepts such as Everything is Possible from 7 Mindsets, and Foundations from DBT.”
The Social and Emotional Wellness curriculum, has offered strategies for students to navigate challenges and prioritize self-care. “The activities in class provide insights into our own personality, learning style, and socialization, which all aid in our personal growth,” shared junior Yellow Butterfly Rios. “This class kindles connections with other students by showing mutual traits and interests.”
Guidance provided by the school’s counselor, interventionist, and teachers has fostered an environment where students feel heard, understood, and valued. This personalized support has not only enhanced their academic performance but has also contributed to their overall well-being.
“Both Ms. Olson and Ms. Miller have been instrumental in creating a positive environment where we can have discussions about mental health topics within the class,” shared sophomore Kelly Turner. “Their detailed explanations and empathetic support have significantly enhanced our understanding of the lessons and encouraged us to prioritize mental health in alignment with our personal goals and well-being.”