Reminder: Upcoming Parent University Sessions, March 6 and March 11

Parents with students

St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children.

All events are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Please note, sessions vary from in-person and virtual. Spanish interpretation will be available at every session and childcare will be available at every in-person session.

Join us for our upcoming sessions:

  • March 6, 2024: “Growing up in Public” (presented by Devorah Heitner, PhD) – Frederick High School, 5690 Tipple Pkwy. Frederick, CO 80504

    If you’ve ever said “I’m so glad my teenage years weren’t shared for the world to see,” this talk is for you! With social media and constant connection, the boundaries of privacy for children are stretched thin. Growing Up in Public shows parents how to help tweens and teens navigate boundaries, identity, privacy, and reputation in their digital world. Parents can expect practical insights into effectively navigating the digital world with their children.
  • March 11, 2024: The Student Perspective: The Power of Self-Advocacy (presented by Yes! Ambassadors) – Westview Middle School, 1651 Airport Rd., Longmont, CO 80503

    YES! (Youth Examples of Self-Advocacy) Ambassadors are a group of middle and high school student volunteers with dyslexia. This presentation explores dyslexia, a very common learning difference, covering characteristics, myths, accommodations, assistive technology, and personal stories.
St. Vrain Virtual High School